Professional CV

For those interested in my list of trainings, certifications, and more. Please note this does not take into account all of my online trainings, in person hospital luncheons, or symposiums:


Childbirth Educator Training through Husband-Coached Method

Started business: UptownBirth, in NYC


Certified in CBE Training

Labor and Postpartum Doula training, through DONA

Neonatal Resuscitation Workshop, with Karen Strange*

Worked with the (now) Doula Collective of NYC


Certified Lactaton Counselor Training, through Healthy Children

Rebozo Workshop, with Gena Kirby*


Trained as Advanced Babywearing Educator

Started business: UrbanBabywearing, in NYC

Gave birth to her second child

Started Masters program

Worked with BirthFocus in NYC, as Director of Education

Recertification: Neonatal Resuscitation Workshop, with Karen Strange*


Rebozo Workshop, with Gena Kirby*

Spinning Babies Workshop, with Gail Tully


NorthEast Tongue-Tie Conference

Moved to Cincinnati

VBACFacts Workshop, with Jen Kamel*

OLCA (Ohio Lactaton Consultants Association) Conference, with Dr. Nils and Jill Bergman


Advanced Business Training Workshop, with ProDoula*

Alison Hazelbaker TOT Assessment Workshop, with Alison Hazelbaker

Co-founded LastMinuteDoulas

Recertified: Certified Lacttaion Counselor, with Health Children

Recertification: Neonatal Resuscitation Workshop, with Karen Strange*

Cross-certified as Labor Doula with ProDoula*

Graduated with Masters of Arts, in Health and Wellnes, from Union Institute


Virtually Present Workshop, with ProDoula

Upcoming: IBLCE Board Exam

Upcoming: Cranial Nerve Dysfunction, with Tummy Time Method Certification, with Michelle Emmanuel

Upcoming: ProDoula Conference


*Organizer and Facilitator of Workshop