All Moms Support Group

Starred Pick090A community resource and support group designed as a 6 week session, to create a safe space for that delicate time after pregnancy and birth. A place you can come while your baby cries the whole time. Yes, please come. A place you can come not worrying about a shower, or we can be your excuse for a shower!

The variety of emotional ranges and physical changes can feel isolating – but there’s a woman out there thinking those same thoughts that you are! We want you to get a chance to meet her. Come meet the moms you can create friendships with, not just because you’ve had babies, but because there’s a true spark of friendship and understanding.

Each week we’ll seek to address one of the topics listed below, chosen by the class, in addition to asking for your own input for topics, plus a general round table group chat. Peer support facilitated by non-judgmental, working mommas, who happen to be peri-birth professionals, who have and will cry, laugh, and listen right alongside you. And maybe take turns holding some babies while we’re at it.

This group is limited to 12 women to facilitate real relationship building. Walk-ins cannot attend as we are creating a safe space for sharing. You are certainly welcome to attend more than one session.

Topics including:

Birth Processing
PPD vs baby blues, and the range between
Feelings of Isolation
Self care
Self image and Body Image
Breast and bottle feeding, including pumping

Childcare Issues and Considerations

To Work or Not to Work? Work from home?
Relationship Balance, including Sex
Navigating Friendships, old friends, childless friends, new friends, those with different parenting philosophies

And you. What topic would you bring up?